Our Solutions

We understand the challenges faced by SMSF businesses in providing accurate, timely, and cost-effective services to their clients. That’s why we offer a comprehensive range of tools and services designed to elevate your administration processes and enhance your client offerings. Ours is a business to business service so, if you are a trustee, please ask your financial adviser to contact us so we can discuss how our involvement may enhance your SMSF experience. If you do not have a financial adviser please contact us at info@smsfalliance.com.au. We will discuss your needs with you and refer you to an adviser for your consideration.

How our unique SMSF Enhancement Tools will support you

Strategic Administration

From fund establishment to tax return lodgement, we understand the most complex SMSF strategies and the vital importance of dealing with their particular administrative requirements. Our SMSF service, updated daily and posted online, is based on a business-to-business arrangement via an SMSF adviser or accountant for your SMSF clients. We do not deal with direct trustees except via our innovative Link option however, under this option we will communicate directly with trustees by default if required.

Technical Support

Free, high level technical support and mentoring to Alliance Partners is enhanced by age based alerts and rapid response phone accessibility to David Busoli on 0499 778 584.


We will waive our base 2025 fees for SMSFs that transfer to our service by the end of June 2025. Conditions apply so let us know what you have in mind.

Priority Processing

We process daily. We will need your assistance if we do not have sufficient information and will prioritise the clearing of items you have assisted us with. Each year, you are also invited to nominate funds that require priority end of year account processing.

Purpose Built Portal

Communication is vital to the administration process and, as email based systems lack ready recordability, accountability and security, we have developed a sophisticated communication portal which also links to our other value adding services. It includes an optional 3 way link that brings your fund trustee clients into the loop if you wish. We can even communicate with the trustees by default whilst providing you with full visibility and access to join the conversation if you wish to.

The portal also adviser access to significant tools designed to enhance your SMSF service offerings. 

Online Fund Reports

We provide secure web access to a variety of reports that allow you to take a proactive, value-added approach to fund activities. You may choose to badge them and provide your clients with direct access from your website.

SMSF Documentation

We provide the full range of SMSF documentation.

Do Your Own Administration

If you’re an SMSF accountant who does not wish to outsource your administration you may qualify for access to a number of the services we provide to administered SMSFs. If you are interested in more information, click here.

UK Pension Funds

As HMRC approved Scheme Administrators, we have significant experience in establishing and administering UK Pension funds, including ongoing HMRC reporting.

Age Based Alerts

You receive a comprehensive review of the legal ramifications of each member’s coming birthday, including opportunities and dangers.

Regular Blog Post

We provide regular short-form comments on current issues or useful tips. Subscribe here.

Investment Strategy Documentation Tool

Fully customisable, bespoke documents can be created in under 10 minutes including life insurance, borrowing, lack of diversification, reserves, derivatives, collectables, cryptocurrency, bullion, private loans, private companies/trusts, solar arrays, portal toilets and more. This tool is simply the best available. It includes access to an investment sector monitor that ensures our investment sector allocations match yours. You can choose from the ATO’s preferred gold standard documentation or the modern version of  0% to 100%.

SMSF V APRA Suitability/ Sustainability Analysis

You can generate a bespoke analysis of the comparative features, including fees, to help satisfy both best interest duty and dealer group obligations. The suitability analysis, for potential new SMSFs, and the sustainability analysis, for existing SMSFs, creates a detailed discussion paper.

SMSF Guide

Our comprehensive SMSF Guide is regularly updated.

Planning Opportunities

Our data-driven analysis produces a variety of qualified planning opportunities, updated daily. Each opportunity is supported by relevant evidence, white papers, and calculators, providing you with the tools you need to serve your clients best.

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Account Equalisation
We identify legal strategies allowing a higher balance member balance to partially redistribute to a lower balance member.

Future Service Deduction
This potential Fund deduction, unique to SMSFs holding life insurance, can create a calculated tax deduction on the member’s death or total disablement, as an alternative to a deduction for life insurance premiums. Typically the amounts are in the order of $800 versus $800,000, negating contribution tax and tax on accumulation accounts for years. There is a downside risk though. If the benefit is not paid to the member or a tax dependent it creates an untaxed element so we provide the details for both along with relevant calculators and technical reports.

Maximising NCC Eligibility
We identify all members whose total super balance is up to $70k over the three pivot points such that they can’t make an additional $110k contribution – provided they are eligible in all other respects. We consider three ways of proactively rectifying this for the next financial year and two for the current.

New Pension Opportunities
We identify members with a reasonable amount of unrestricted non-preserved monies in accumulation that also have a sufficient unused transfer balance account.

Pension Administration
We provide a list of every pension account for every member in every fund, with current pension payments shown. This is particularly useful in June to consider all pensions at a glance.

Pension Auto-Commutation
To maximum the level of tax exempt income, an optional standing auto commutation authority can ensure that member benefits drawn in excess of the required minimum are allotted to other pension accounts that have not reached the minimum, drawn against available accumulation accounts or processed as a lump sum partial commutation of an existing pension and, if more than one, from the pension with the highest taxable component. We lodge TBARs monthly.

Contribution Eligibility
Member eligibility for concessional contributions (including unused concessional) and non-concessional contributions (including the bring forward rule) are shown in the member contribution list and updated daily.

Recontribution for Tax
We identify members with unrestricted non-preserved balances, a significant taxable component, and an ability to make non-concessional contributions.

Second Fund Potential
We identify funds with large lumpy assets, typically real estate, with significant capital gains tax potential that may be segregated into pensions by establishing a second fund to hold the accumulation member balances.

Planning Checks

We provide you with a number of qualified potential opportunities and threats, updated daily, for you to consider.

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Corporate Trustee Conversions
We identify all funds with individual trustees that could benefit by converting to a corporate trustee.

Deed Upgrade Advisability
We identify deeds that could be restricting the activities of the fund or simply no longer provide the minimum conditions to comply with current superannuation law.

Excess/Insufficient Cash
You set the parameters you require for the fund cash balance and alerts will be triggered if these limits are breached.

Excess Contributions
Excess concessional and non-concessional contributions are monitored daily and visible on the contribution display showing all members in all funds.

Investment Strategy Mismatch
Each fund’s summary displays variations to the most current investment strategy benchmarks.

Death Benefit Nomination Issues
This alert displays members holding lapsed nominations or no nominations at all. It can include those which the member believes are non-lapsing but which are not due to the deed, BDBN documentation or its execution, not being effective.

Member/Trustee Mismatch
SMSF members and trustees should, generally, be the same individuals. Our checks identify any variations to this requirement and whether they are legally allowable.

TRIS & Reversionary Pensions to TBA shortly
We identify all reversionary pensioners a month before they have been in receipt of the pension for 12 months and all TRIS recipients a month before their 65th birthday as, in each case, their pension will shortly count towards their transfer balance account.


We have combined a collection of animated videos from the ATO with ours to create an educational resource for advisers to direct their SMSF clients to. We have taken a practical approach so our videos compliment and improve on those produced by the ATO.

Becoming an SMSF Alliance Partner will ensure that you have the full support of our highly experience team and be able to receive our expert help to grow your business.

If you’re considering upgrading your SMSF service provider, book a call, to determine if our businesses are a good fit.

High level technical expertise in SMSFs of all shapes and sizes

As well as 24/7 online administration and compliance, SMSF Alliance provides an exceptional level of technical expertise to our alliance partners, at no additional cost, when part of our ongoing service. The benefit of this service is to both prevent and overcome compliance breaches. We believe strongly in prevention over rectification.

With our experienced team by your side, you’ll have the support you need to thrive in the SMSF landscape. Let us help you take your SMSF client servicing to the next level. Join us as an SMSF Alliance Partner and experience the difference firsthand.

Our advisers choose us and our tools because they know they are the best in the business.