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User Update – Additional Portal Functionality
I’m please to advise that we have released some additional portal functionality for you. You now have access to an...
The Definition of Consultation?
I’m rather concerned that the consultation paper on the proposed new superannuation member equity tax measure does not...
Super Pension Indexation Trap
From 1 July 2023 existing superannuation pensioners will be subjected to a personal transfer balance cap based on...
Modelling the Extra Tax for High Balance Members
As our contribution to the debate surrounding the government’s proposed tax on member accounts in excess of $3m and,...
Phishing Alert
Identity theft is a serious issue and becoming increasingly common. It generally begins with a phishing email from,...
This Equity Tax is Not Equitable
Opposition to the Government’s proposed super tax is growing rapidly, not so much for its imposition but for its...
That’s Not a Tax! This is a Tax!
The government announced their “modest adjustment” proposal as an imposition of an additional 15% tax on earnings...
Super Tax Concessions to Reduce for Large Member Balances
The Labor government has announced its intent to increase the maximum superannuation tax rate on any member balance...
Contribution Caps are Unchanged!
The AWOTE numbers announced today do not result in an increase to the contribution caps so the concessional cap of...
Death Benefit Tax Announcement
There are times when the regulator’s interpretation of the law enhances certainty and provides the basis for...
Contribution Cap Increases?
Following my posts on the indexation of the general transfer balance cap I’ve been asked why I did not show an...
Simplifying Personal Transfer Balance Cap Indexation!?
Assuming that the general transfer balance cap will lift from $1.7m to $1.9m from 1 July 2023 we will need to address...
Increase to Transfer Balance Cap
No doubt you have already heard of today’s major superannuation story. The General Transfer Balance Cap (TBC) is set...
Enhanced Contribution Splitting Effect
A spouse contribution split enables members to relegate after-tax concessional contributions to an eligible spouse who...
SMSF Penalty Increase
The dollar value of ATO penalty units has increased from 1st January so SMSF administrative penalties have increased...
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