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How NOT to Use ChatGPT
A lot has been written on the business process possibilities of using ChatGPT so it's likely that you may be...
ATO Scheme Crackdown
SMSFs provide significant investment flexibility but are subjected to restrictions surrounding related party dealings...
Last Minute Contributions & Pensions
Hopefully trustees have not left their contributions and pension payments to the last minute as there is a likelihood...
EOFY SMSF Checklist
This check list includes some items that aren’t exclusively End of Financial Year or exclusively SMSF related but...
The Unclaimed Super Quirk
Be aware of a quirk in claiming unclaimed super monies where the member is between 65 and 75. Because the amount is...
The Power of SMSF Life Insurance
I've posted this article before but it's worth repeating as I've just processed a case, with over a million dollar...
SMSFs & the Budget
There were two major issues we were expecting clarification on. The additional tax proposal for high balance fund...
Calculating the Correct In-House Asset Limit
We all know that the level of in-house assets cannot rise above 5% of the fund value at the end of the financial year...
User Update – Additional Portal Functionality
I’m please to advise that we have released some additional portal functionality for you. You now have access to an...
The Definition of Consultation?
I’m rather concerned that the consultation paper on the proposed new superannuation member equity tax measure does not...
Super Pension Indexation Trap
From 1 July 2023 existing superannuation pensioners will be subjected to a personal transfer balance cap based on...
Modelling the Extra Tax for High Balance Members
As our contribution to the debate surrounding the government’s proposed tax on member accounts in excess of $3m and,...
Phishing Alert
Identity theft is a serious issue and becoming increasingly common. It generally begins with a phishing email from,...
This Equity Tax is Not Equitable
Opposition to the Government’s proposed super tax is growing rapidly, not so much for its imposition but for its...
That’s Not a Tax! This is a Tax!
The government announced their “modest adjustment” proposal as an imposition of an additional 15% tax on earnings...
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