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A Matter of Respect

Senator Andrew Bragg, as quoted in Investor Daily, makes some interesting points regarding Industry Funds including...

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Can an SMSF Own a Car?

A car can be owned by an SMSF but, as it’s classed as a personal use asset, it's subject to significant restrictions....

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NALI by Association

It’s commonly believed that the investments made by an entity into which an SMSF properly invests are irrelevant to...

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The Real NALI Risk

Last week I mentioned the NALE amendments that have evolved over years of debate from a draconian proposition to one...

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Much Ado About NALE

There has been much said, over the last few years, regarding the non-arm’s length expenditure changes. The focus has...

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Foolish NALE Error

There has been no shortage of comment regarding non-arm's length general fund expenses that taint the whole SMSF....

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