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Are Deemed Contributions Concessional?
Deemed contributions generally occur when increases in fund value have not been caused by investments or insurance...
Federal Budget
The budget was largely missing any announcements particular to our sector. On related matters, the deeming rate won’t...
Best SMSF Advice Platform
Last night, the inaugural Australian Wealth Management Awards 2024, an initiative of Momentum Media’s wealth...
Counting a TRIS Against the Transfer Balance Cap
A transition to retirement income stream is not only useful as a source of income before retirement but also effective...
Downsizer Contribution Refresher
A downsizer contribution of up to $300k can be made by a member and/or their spouse who is 55, or older, at the date...
SMSF Contribution Reserving
So called contribution reserving is unique to SMSF’s. The process is not actually reserving at all but, rather, one of...
Use Carried Forward Unused Contributions with Care
Provided that a member has a total super balance of less than $500,000 as at the previous 30 June, and is eligible to...
ATO Targeting SMSF Valuations
The ATO have used data analysis to target 16,500 SMSFs that have reported the same value for certain classes of...
About Reversionary Pensions
When a beneficiary first becomes a recipient of a reversionary pension a few items need to be considered. As the...
ATO Focusing on Professional Advisers
The ATO expect that advisory firms, including individual advisers, must set the standard for integrity by attending to...
What About an Enduring Power of Attorney
To meet the definition of an SMSF in s 17A of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (Cth) (SISA), all...
Super Contribution Caps to Increase
The latest AWOTE figures have been confirmed and will result in an increase to the superannuation contribution caps...
SMSF Alliance TV Launched
We have launched a new adviser resource, SMSF Alliance TV. It’s a collection of animated videos to assist advisers in...
Unexpected SMSF Registration Problem
When registering a new SMSF with the ATO there is always a chance that the ATO will contact the trustees before...
Stage 3 Tax Cut Changes
As there will be much emotive media comment on the Government's decision to make changes to the stage 3 Tax Cuts, I...
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