New Accounting Service

1 Nov 2017

Written by

David Busoli, Principal

Our service supports accountants and financial planners but we acknowledge that sometimes they compete. We have received a number of requests from financial planners who have found their client base threatened by newly licenced accountants seeking to expand into the financial planner’s domain.

In order to assist our alliance partner financial planners to “ring fence” their client base we have expanded our service to include general accounting. We have also broadened our approach to cater for an expected increase in the use of non-SMSF investment structures in response to the new cap limits.

We now provide general investment portfolio administration for any structure so can, if required, complete and lodge the tax returns for these structures in addition to SMSFs. Our standard pricing assumes that these entities are used for investment, not business, purposes.  Where more complex arrangements are required, such as accounting for small business, we will refer enquiries to our consultant Senior Tax Adviser, Philip Strout.

Philip has had a long association with us. He is a Chartered Accountant with over 20 years’ experience in professional practice and a particular interest in assisting small businesses, high net worth individuals and not for profit organisations. He specialises in income tax law including GST, CGT & FBT. He holds a Masters of Business and a Bachelor of Economics. Most of the accounting services you may require will be provided by us but we shall refer more complex cases to Philip to deal with directly.

With the addition of general portfolio administration and general tax services to our SMSF and estate planning services, we are pleased to be offering our alliance partners a significantly expanded product suite.

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