Related Party Limited Recourse Borrowing Balance Check

In view of the draconian provisions of the non-arm’s length income rules, the administration of related party limited recourse borrowings requires careful attention. If the NALI provisions are triggered the net income generated by the asset, as well as its ultimate...

Sophisticated Investor Certificate Protection?

The classification as a sophisticated investor removes a great deal of adviser compliance activity and paperwork. It also means that the investor’s consumer protections exclude action by the Australian Financial Complaints Authority and the Compensation Scheme of Last...

Contribution Caps to Remain the Same

The latest AWOTE figures have been released confirming that there will be no increase to the contribution caps in the 2026 year. The CPI figures, released previously, have already resulted in an increase to the general transfer balance cap from $1.9m to $2m from 1...

Important Disability Payment Tips

Payment of a lump sum disability benefit presents a great opportunity for planners to add value by reducing the taxable component to, potentially, nil. A lump sum disability payment is generally sourced from a combination of life insurance proceeds (received tax free...

Interested in UK Pension Transfers?

The transferring of UK pension benefits to Australia is a complex process as each step must comply with both Australian and UK taxation/super/pension laws. SMSF Alliance, via our Head of Technical, Debbie Thomas LLB, was one of the first Australian Scheme...