ATO Score Card

16 Oct 2017

Written by

David Busoli, Principal

A mandatory, minimum standard to which all SMSF administrators aspire is to lodge every SMSF with the ATO before their respective lodgement dates. The only way this can be achieved is for the administrator to be focused and to have the active cooperation of the auditor, actuary, adviser, trustee, investment houses and any other involved entity. It is an aspiration that is more difficult to achieve as the SMSF firm grows and takes on existing funds with outstanding returns that are sometimes unable to be lodged in time.

Notwithstanding the importance of this basic standard there can be significant variations in the performance of various administrators. Each year, by way of both an accolade or a brick bat, the ATO issues a report to each tax agent detailing their lodgement results. The ATO expect a minimum score of 85%. We are pleased to report that our result was 97.8% for last year, up marginally on the 95.6% we achieved the previous year.

We thank you for your ongoing assistance and assure you that we will be working hard to ensure we continue to provide you and your trustee clients with one of the fastest lodgement rates in the country. We would also like to reiterate that we do not, and will not, outsource any of our activities off shore.

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