Are Transition to Retirement Pensions Still Useful?

27 Nov 2024

Written by

David Busoli, Principal

Following the loss of tax concessions on fund earnings underpinning TRISs their popularity plummeted but they still have their uses. Quite apart from providing pre-retirement income, which is their actual purpose, they can also be useful in quarantining tax componentry. An additional advantage may present itself as part of a salary sacrifice strategy.

Though there is no tax concession on earnings within the super fund, the income received by an over 60-year-old member is received tax free so this can be used to advantage.

Let’s assume a member has a $100k salary package, including 11.5% superannuation contributions.
After Tax Income$71,992.00
After Tax Super Balance$8,766.90
Net Result$80,758.90
If the member salary sacrifices enough to maximise concessional contributions the situation changes to:
Salary Sacrifice Contribution$19,686.00
Reduced After Tax Pay$58,212.00
Add After Tax Pension Payment$13,780.00
After Tax Income$71,992.00
After Tax Super Contribution$25,500.00
Minus Pension Payment$13,780.00
After Tax Super Balance$11,720.00
Net Result$83,712.00

This is a benefit of $2,953.10, or 3.67%, represented by the increased balance in superannuation. Be careful though, some employers may seek to reduce their SGC commitment by applying it to the reduced salary level.

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