Age 67 NCC Reminder

9 Dec 2021

Written by

David Busoli, Principal

Just a reminder that an individual will automatically trigger the bring forward rule from 1 July 2020 if the member exceeds their general NCC cap for the year and the

  • member is under 67 at any time in that year,
  • member is not part way through an existing bring forward period,
  • member’s TSB at the previous 30 June is less than the requisite threshold

The thresholds and the amounts that can be contributed are shown below.

TSB @Last 30/6NCC CapTSB @ Last 30/6NCC Cap
$1.6m or moreNil$1.7m or moreNil
$1.5m to <$1.6m$100,000$1.59m to <$1.7m$110,000
$1.4m to <$1.5m$200,000$1.48m to < $1.59m$220,000


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